Perspectives Transformed

by Stacy Tea

This was my first Sunflower Mission work camp, and I must admit, I had no idea what to expect. The anticipation of being part of an initiative that would positively impact children's education by constructing a school filled me with excitement. However, little did I know that this work camp would have a profound impact on me as well.

Throughout our time at the work camp, we resided in accommodations that fell far below the standard I was accustomed to. I found myself sharing a room with insects and creatures both familiar and unfamiliar, sleeping on stained sheets, showering in a dimly lit and moldy restroom, and using damp toilet paper. Yet, even in these less-than-ideal conditions, our living situation was still a hundred times better than what the children in the village could even fathom. We had the luxury of running water, air conditioning, refrigeration, an ample supply of toilet paper, and a satisfying meal awaiting us at the end of each day.

As I contrasted our temporary lodgings with the living conditions of the families in the village, my perspective shifted dramatically. They resided in cramped one-room shacks, lacking basic amenities such as plumbing and running water. It was a stark reminder of the tremendous disparities that exist in our world. Leaving the hotel, I couldn't help but reflect on how incredibly fortunate we were to have stayed in those subpar accommodations.

This experience served as a humbling reminder of the privileges we often take for granted. It underscored the significance of the work we were doing and the impact it would have on the lives of those children and their community. It also sparked a deeper appreciation for the basic comforts we enjoy on a daily basis. My time at the Sunflower Mission work camp not only enriched the lives of the children but also left an indelible mark on my own perspective and gratitude.

Cindy Au